Established in 2011 by local community leaders and businessmen. Our fundamental goal – help members of this community become fully functional, well-integrated in this country: education, health and wellness, social services, business development, career growth while preserving their heritage.


Slavic Community Center of NW / Blog  / Beating the Heat: How the Slavic Community Center of NW is Shielding Vulnerable Residents in Portland’s Heat Islands

Beating the Heat: How the Slavic Community Center of NW is Shielding Vulnerable Residents in Portland’s Heat Islands

In the summer of 2023, the Slavic Community Center of Northwest (NW) embarked on a crucial mission in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA): to provide lifesaving air conditioning units to those most at risk during Portland’s scorching heatwaves. The initiative, focusing on the so-called “heat islands” of Portland, targeted elderly BIPOC community members—a demographic particularly vulnerable to extreme temperatures.

  • A Timely Response to a Growing Threat: With 48 air conditioning units generously donated by the OHA, our center sprang into action. Our staff and dedicated volunteers conducted extensive outreach to identify and assist those living in the most heat-affected areas. This week, as we face another intense heatwave, the importance of every single AC unit becomes more pronounced. Our collaborative efforts with state partners underscore our commitment to protect our city’s most susceptible individuals.
  • A Community’s Resilience in the Face of Adversity: This isn’t the first time the Slavic Community Center of NW has stood at the forefront of climate resilience. Last year, in a similar partnership with the OHA, we distributed both air conditioners and heaters during the fall season, preparing our community for extreme weather conditions year-round.
  • Serving the Unserved: The majority of our beneficiaries are elderly BIPOC community members who, prior to our intervention, did not have access to air conditioning in their homes. By targeting these heat islands, areas in the city that experience significantly higher temperatures due to urban infrastructure and lack of greenery, we’re not just providing temporary relief but also addressing a critical aspect of urban inequality.
  • Together We Rise: Our efforts go beyond mere distribution. It’s about building a community that cares, that watches out for its most vulnerable, and that takes proactive steps to mitigate the effects of climate change. This initiative is a testament to what can be achieved when community centers, health authorities, and dedicated volunteers come together for a common cause.
  • A Call to Action: We urge everyone in our community to remain vigilant during these heatwaves. Check on your neighbors, especially the elderly and those without air conditioning. If you wish to contribute to our efforts or need assistance, please reach out to the Slavic Community Center of NW. Together, we can ensure that no one is left behind in the fight against the heat.

Slavic Community Center of NW, in partnership with the Oregon Health Authority, is playing a pivotal role in protecting vulnerable populations from the severe impacts of heatwaves. Our actions demonstrate a strong commitment to community well-being and serve as a model for other organizations in addressing environmental challenges and social disparities. Together, we rise against the heat islands, keeping our community safe and resilient.

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